Managerial System
The College governing council is the supreme governing body of the college constituted under the aegis of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church. The members of the council are constituted for a period of three years.
The functions of the Council include:
- Defining and upholding the College's mission, vision and strategic direction.
- Monitoring the College's progress against agreed goals.
- Establishing management systems and monitoring their effectiveness.
- Ensuring that delegated responsibilities are clearly defined for the College's standing committees.
- Ensuring that the College has effective risk management and internal controls.
- Overseeing the effective and prudential operation of the College.
- Approving and monitoring commercial undertakings.
Membership of Council comprises a mixture of independent (lay) members, staff members, and the Manager who would be one of the Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church.
It is expected that members will:
- Play an active role in the Council and/or any committees to which they are appointed, attending meetings regularly, and ensuring that business is conducted efficiently and effectively;
- Provide constructive, unbiased challenge and advice to the executive.
- Seek to be fully informed about the College and its role in the higher education sector and to be responsive to the changing environments which affect it.
- Observe and maintain confidentiality in matters entrusted to them;
- Recognise that authority resides only with the Council as a whole and not in its individual members, and support decisions of Council once taken.
Deployment Strategy of the Institution
The activities of the institution are decentralised and participatory management is ensured in all its processes. The approach followed is Top to Bottom Approach. The college has a governing board headed by the manager, principal, staff representative and educational experts for the deployment of strategic plans. The decisions taken by the governing board are intimated to the IQAC cell. As per the directions of IQAC,staff council meets, decides the activities and designates duties to various members of administrative, teaching faculty and students for the efficient functioning of the various administrative, curricular and co-curricular programmes.
The deployment strategy for implementing the Activity
(Using the principle of PIME; Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation)
Decision at the Governing Board Level to help the Covid victims.
Action plan prepared by the IQAC.
Discussion at the Staff Council and Alumni Association.
Designation of duties to Staff for initiation of the Programme.
Entrusting the task to the designated group/persons.
Executing the Plan.
Evaluation of the Support Activities.
Governing council 2021 Onwards
Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos Episcopa
Hermon Aramana, Adoor-691523, Mob: 9311028282
Dr. Anita Mathai (Principal)
Mr.Libin Mathew
Keekattil House, Vazharmangalam P.O. Chengannur-689124, Mob: 9645757949
Very. Rev. K. M. Mammen
Kripa Bhavan, Koipuram P.O., Chengannur (via) 689531, Mob: 9447866498
Prof. N. M. Mathew
Ayyamkoickal House, Edasseripu Apts Road
Kuttapuzha P.O., Tiruvalla-689103, Mob: 9847341179
Dr. A. J. John
Nakkada Mission Hospital
Ramanchira, Thiruvalla-689101, Mob: 9447060436
Mrs. Jessy Jose
Malayattoor House, Valichikala P.O.
Kaithakuzhy, Kollam-691573, Mob: 9496410105
Capt J. M. Thomas
Flat No.44, The Residency Plot No. 8A,
Sector-7, Dwaraka, New Delhi-110075, Mob: 9810269340
Mr. Manoj Mathew M
Houston Energy Service Co., P.O.
Box No.1218, Dasman-15463, Kuwait, Mob: 0096599816826
Dr. Johnson Baby
Principal, Christian College, Chenganoor, Mob: 9495053995
Dr. Sunila Thomas
(Staff Representative), Mob: 9446267547