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Dr. Juhanon Mar Thoma Memorial Library

Titus II Teachers College library was established along with the college in the year 1957 and was shifted to the new building in 1998. It is named in memoriam of the Late Dr. Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan, the founder of the college.

Mission of the Library:

  • To provide every individual an opportunity to make the best use of reading materials available in the form of books, periodicals, journals, newspapers and other non-book materials.
  • To help teacher educators and teacher trainees of the college in preparation of their instructional courses and to keep abreast current developments in different subject areas.
  • To lend a hand in acquisition, processing, storage and retrieval of publications related to academic courses of the college.
  • To provide timely and accurate information to its users.
  • To assist the parent body to carry out its programme.

Technical Organization of library collection:

  • The arrangement of documents in the library is according to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), devised by Melvil Dewey and follows Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (AACR-2) and earlier physical form of card catalogue is now available as OPAC (online public access catalogue).
  • The software used for Library automation is LIBSOFT Solutions.
  • We have a special facility called WEB OPAC which allows searching the library’s holdings from any location with internet access. A user can access the bibliographic details of books from the WEBOPAC

Library Committee:

  • Principal (chairman)
  • Librarian (secretary)
  • Student representative - 1
  • Heads of teaching departments - 5

Library Users:



The library holds a collection of about 14000 books and subscribes academic journals and periodicals. Library has also a collection of CD-ROMs and back volumes of journals. Library has some special collections called Book Bank collection, Career and Counseling collection, Remedial Coaching collection, coaching for Entry Service collection, Minor project collection etc.


E-journals – More than 240 journal titles on Education

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