The College adopts Outcome based education to ensure Quality, Transparency, Pliability, Analysis and Participation.
• PO1. Uphold the value system based on the cultural, social, political and moral bases of Indian society in conformity with Indian Constitution.
• PO2. Develop an understanding of the contemporary Indian Society, with special reference to education and to interact with children from diverse socio economic and diverse back grounds realizing the importance of inclusive education and gender issues.
• PO3. Analyze and critically evaluate evidence to formulate and organize sustainable plan of action.
• PO4. Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern IT tools in education understanding the possibilities of techno pedagogy.
• PO5. Relate to professional and personal ethical principles and responsibilities.
• PO6. Function effectively as an individual and in various teams.
• PO7. Communicate efficiently as the situation demands and make successful presentations.
• PO8. Equip individuals to analyse their own worth and appreciate the uniqueness in others.
• PO9. Be familiar with the need for and develop necessary skills to engage in self-regulating and life-long learning with respect to gaining technological expertise.
• PO10. Develop co-ordination skills, decision making and creative thinking.
Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)
o PSO 1. Development of teacher competence, sensitivity and teacher motivation.
o PSO2. Identify and solve the prevalent major social and environmental issues / challenges and equip the classroom learner to face those challenges.
o PSO3. Apply the theoretical and practical information to get a holistic understanding about the importance of nurturing positive attitudes, skills and healthy behavior for living in the present and future.
o PSO4. Imbibe the aptitude for understanding the principles and practices related to the varied psychological, sociological and philosophical areas to facilitate productive cognition.
o PSO5. Enhance drama and art education to nurture children’s creativity and aesthetic sensibilities.
Course Outcome
• CO1. Acquire the right attitude with qualitative commitment using multiple levels of tools and techniques
• CO2. Develop teacher competence, sensitivity and teacher motivation
• CO3. Become technologically competent and realize the importance of ICT and e-learning.
• CO4. Enhance Communication skill to converse well in diverse settings and groups.
• CO6.Conceptualize different formal and informal evidence based performance assessment strategies and develop ability to evaluate the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the learners.
• CO7. Enhance the critical thinking skills through strategies that encourage precise approach to inquiry, collaboration and active participation in the classrooms.
• CO8. Develop love for nature and strategies to protect nature.
• CO9. Acquaint with concept of techno Pedagogy and understand the role of the teacher as a techno-pedagogue
• CO10. Augment the levels of teaching competence by synchronizing IT in teaching.
• CO11. Gain a perspective on the principles and approaches of curriculum construction.
• CO12. Capacitate systematic planning of instruction and develop skill in charting lesson designs.
• CO13. Examine the role of the hidden curriculum and children’s resilience.
• CO14. Appreciate interdisciplinary approach and relevance of classroom oral and written discourses.
• CO15. Create sensitivity to the language diversity that exists in the classrooms.
• CO17. Effectively prepare teaching manuals and construct achievement tests and diagnostic tests, ICT based teaching and learning.
• CO18. Develop basic understanding and familiarity with key concepts – gender, gender bias, gender stereotype, empowerment, gender parity, equity and equality, patriarchy and feminism and the issues related to it.
• CO19. Inculcate the essential qualities, duties and responsibilities of a teacher.
• CO20. Develop Research Aptitude to promote an in-depth study on the different areas of the Subject.