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Instructional Assistance

Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms

Our Focus

  • To make the student teacher appreciate a classroom community that hinges upon the sense of belongingness and safe learning.
  • To equip the trainees with the essential strategies to ensure inclusivity at the forefront of daily classroom interactions.
  • To provide opportunities to establish a strong relationship of understanding with their peers and the community.
  • To provide models of working in groups whereby they get the grooming to respect individual thoughts and ideas.
  • To reinforce social-emotional skills like empathy and compassion by fostering positive interactions between student teachers.
  • To make classroom interactions appeal to different learning styles and supplementing lectures with fresh videos, books, and gamified digital activities.
  • To give opportunities to the trainees to select socially relevant projects and publish them in their blogs.
  • To make learners share the life story of people from all walks of life.
  • To allow alumni members to interact with the student teachers and share their experience.
  • To make student teachers value the building up of social skills and emotional maturity by actively participating in the residential community living camps.